Offers exclusive Cleaning of your Laundry using Odorless / Smell-Free Dry Cleaning, coupled with the Specialty Individual Packing / Hanger Options. Our ‘Distinctive Free Customized Delivery & Pickup’, solutions are the Standard; add on with all our Services

Out of years of Experience with The State of Art Dry Cleaning Equipment, we have gained an enviable unique track record. Oil stains are stubborn and may not be possible to remove by water alone and hence comes into play the experience and expertise

Moreover, Synthetic Fibres like polyester respond well to only Dry Cleaning. The State of the Art Technology Machines guarantee the best results. Stain removal of some kinds, is among the key advantages of Dry Cleaning and its ability to dissolve grease and oils in a superior way that water alone can never match

We ensure blemish-free Dresses, Gowns and Suits when we deliver back to you. Call us for your special needs such as Moth Proofing or Dry Cleaning of Light Shades, Stuffed Toys, Blankets etc. Any Time, On Time, All the Time

LAUNDRYCLEANing, in fact saves Big Money in the Long Run…..

To access our impeccable LAUNDRYCLEANing Services designed for varied Household Clothing Items, Bed linens, Lingerie, Table linens, Towels and many more unique services like Saree Charakh et al ….., Please — Click Here!